This is first-of-its-kind research investigates 25 support schemes for energy access for poor households in six countries, namely Brazil, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya and Mexico. Energy Safety Nets are defined as energy support schemes that allow poor parts of a country´s population to gain access to essential electricity services and clean cooking. These are essentially consumer subsidies (not support for companies, which provide energy access). Who should read this? Anyone who wants to get a first idea about the comparative effectiveness of support schemes for energy access that target poor customers directly. It is a good and concise overview and introduction, though many questions remain open; by asking the right questions, such research opens up a field of comparative analysis that the energy discussions has neglected so far. hashtag#sustainability hashtag#energyaccess hashtag#energy hashtag#cleancooking hashtag#subsidieshashtag#cleanenergy hashtag#SEforALL