Millwater Partners

Making Sustainability Work

Millwater Partners helps make sustainability happen in practice. Our partners and clients are part of a growing sustainability movement that understands the corner stones of a truly sustainable society: Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. 

We help make sustainability part of business and organisational goals, create strategic pathways towards growth, and foster solid and trusted partnerships that are key to lasting change.  

We support organisations and companies to apply the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a basis for investment, ethical growth, and stronger impact. Within the 17 SDG topics, we specialise in health, equality, water, energy, climate change, and partnerships.

We work with you to create practical and efficient solutions for sustainability challenges that allow you to move forward with confidence.

Vision and Mission

Climate change and global inequalities pose existential threats to our planet and to humanity. We are convinced that systematic and creative engagement can do more than just contain the threats – it will lead to huge benefits for people, businesses, and organisations. 
Our vision is that by 2030, the world can celebrate real, tangible progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals as the global paradigm for political, economic, and civil society development. 

Our mission is to work with clients and partners to steer into new, sustainable strategies and practices. We support our clients and partners in playing their part towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

"What is needed to overcome the global threats is striving towards Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion – or JEDI for short. We all have to become JEDI knights."

Farhana Yamin, lawyer and climate activist

What We Do

We all know and understand the existential threat to our planet and to humanity. This decade is THE decade for change: from Corona virus to climate change, from poverty to migration, all the aspects of human life show that we need to manage this planet jointly and sustainably. 

Our current work and interests include the Green Deal and new EU Health Policy, cooperation between Africa and Europe, Health equity in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and financing clean energy solutions.

SDG Strategy ­ Design, Creation & Monitoring

We work with you to develop ways your organisation or company can engage fruitfully with the Sustainable Development Goals.


We prepare and support Boards and Senior Management Teams in effective decision-making processes, in situ and in remote settings.

Programme & Project Development

From proposal to evaluation, we focus on your meaningful projects so that you can make a tangible difference.

Campaigning & Policy Design

From analytics to implementation, we help you achieve workable policy solutions and winning campaigns.

Examples of our Work – Past and Present

Some of Our Current Projects

Building a European strategy for a multi-stakeholder partnership on equitable access.

Supporting senior leaders within the organisation. Chairing a high-level advisory board supporting the EPF Congress on Digital Transformation, co – chairing the EFPIA Patient Think Tank, chairing Data Saves Lives, Advisor to ICHOM, Member of the DIA Patient Advisory Board.

Advising the FT3 Platform – a global platform on precision medicines –  on governance, stakeholder and community engagement.

Co-chairing an international community bringing together patient centred and value-based healthcare and advising on the establishment of a Global Centre to drive this forward.
Report (2021) at

Furthering cooperation between African and European SMEs, with regard to sectors water, energy, and food (Africa/EU), especially in context with the Corona response.

Focusing in particular on the implementation of  FH Paediatric Screening in Europe.

Implementing the Patients’ Journey Report in Heart Valve Disease.

Research project into promoting sustainable finance as a business opportunity for EU companies, especially technology SMEs and financial institutions.

Examples of Previous Projects

Innovation as strategic instrument for economic and social development: why and how can governments use innovation to pursue Agenda 2030 and the SDGs to drive recovery from the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis. Scoping report for German Development Cooperation (with lead consultant SD-Strategies for GIZ

Developing a proposal to the German International Climate Initiative for strengthening National Development Banks´ abilities to structure and finance urban sustainable infrastructure projects, in six African countries.

Convening, hosting, and facilitating a global dialogue of non-conservation experts to identify new and unusual practices for conservation success.

Strategic advice and research to promote existing online and face-to-face trainings on green energy finance.


The Partnership consists of two Founding Partners / Owners and a host of cooperation partners in our network across five continents, including some with associate status.

Contact Us

Nicola Bedlington

Founding Partner & Director

Martin Hiller

Founding Partner & Director

Maria van Veldhuizen

Associate Partner